What Horror Movie Scared You As A Kid?

On The Show: 

What movie or character scared you the most as a kid and do your kids have any movies that scare them now? Let us know your thoughts as the Geek Show hosts, Art Eddy and Patrick Quinn share their thoughts on this topic.


What some of our viewers said: 

Amanda Harris Gill I watched the original Pet Semetary… then had to walk home, by myself, IN THE DARK.

Jeff Decker TV themes that freaked me out were Tales From the Darkside and Unsolved Mysteries.

Ran Kilpatrick I saw the shining and had my brother wetting himself!! I started screaming like a 2 year old at the woman in the bathtub.

Christine E CummingsI grew up watching as many horror movies as I could…haha my parents would hide elm st movies my older bro would let me watch them to keep me out of his hair lol.

Christopher Dilloway I remember 1978’s “Watership Down” was also pretty scary as a kid.

About The Geek Show Hosts: 

Art Eddy

Art Eddy is one of the co-founders here at Life of Dad. He hosts and produces all of the Life of Dad podcast as well as hosting a few Facebook Live Shows on the Life of Dad Facebook page. He is one of the main writers on the site. Art loves Star Wars, football (49ers fan), baseball (Red Sox fan), Air Jordans and all things Geek.

Patrick Quinn

Patrick Quinn is one of the co-founders here at Life of Dad. He is one of the funniest writers here at Life of Dad. He has a weekly article called Playlist Elevated where he introduces you to bands that you might not know, but totally should.

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