I was looking for a Henry Blake moment for a generation that has no idea what a Henry Blake moment is. Something that had weight, something that pulled you down into your seat and left you moved. Maybe even had you walking out of the theater on unsteady legs, a sinking feeling in your stomach.

I wanted to see Paul Walker’s death mirrored by the death of his character in the movie.

When I say that, do I mean I wanted to see it happen on screen? Oh God no. Absolutely not. There would be no reason to have something that too-close-to-home occur. But something could have been explained, something that would have added consequence to actions. Dialogue. An explanation. An off–screen incident.

Life has repercussions, and I wanted to see that honored. I wanted to feel it in the final screen goodbye to Paul Walker. As it is, the movie ended like a western, with everyone riding off into the sunset. It’s what we wish happened in real life, with an alive and well Paul Walker still out there. But it’s not real…

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